On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 12:20 PM, glphvgacs <darwinsker...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 12:14:47PM -0700, Jan-Thorsten Peter wrote:
> > 1. I may visit this directory a few month later and what to know what I
> did
> > here
> that's a history size/retention issue.

> > 2. Others should be able to see what I did in this directory
> > 3. The history should be shared across multiple computers
> > Storing it in a local file seems like the easiest way to accomplish this
> > and it worked well for me with bash and zsh in the past.
> >
> how did you do it in zsh? by sharing your HISTFILE or all users logged
> into the same machine with the same account and hece the same HISTFILE?
> i believe there is no HISTFILE in fish though. basically no control over
> history which is a missing feature IMHO. i have filed couple of bugs for
> this but nothing so far.
In zsh it's possible to define the function preexec which gets the command
as parameter before executing the command. It then comes down to just
append these parameter to a file in the current directory (ignoring some
filtering and the date which is saved as well for now). Basically just:
echo $* >>.history.$USER
The file system solves then automatically all other problems of sharing the
history across users and computers.
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