On Sun, 24 Aug 2014, Sascha Grunert wrote:
> When is an upcoming release planned? The current version is a little bit 
> outdated in comparison the Github progress.

I'm still trying to get 2.1.1 out the door (I'm on vacation at present and 
the intersection of internet connectivity and free time is very small). I 
keep making promises I can't keep about "this weekend", but maybe this 
weekend... I've pushed all the patches to Integration_2.1.1, so it's ready 
for sign-off, but haven't written release notes or prepared the new 
packages yet - it will require a fishd restart so there is a bit more than 
usual involved.

After that I am hoping to look at 2.2.0. There are a few rough edges that 
will need polishing first, but there are certainly lots of new features 
that it would be good to get into people's hands.


David Adam
fish committer

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