It appears bash uses a function called `_make` to do it. `type _make` will 
print out its definition.


> On Sep 11, 2014, at 2:49 PM, Mandeep Sandhu <> 
> wrote:
> Thanks for the info.
> I'm using fish under Ubuntu. Bash on Ubuntu does completion of make
> targets from the included *.make files. I'll look into how they do it
> and update the fish one if I can.
> -mandeep
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Kevin Ballard <> wrote:
>> __fish_print_make_targets is a fishscript function defined in the standard 
>> functions dir $__fish_datadir/functions. In the Fish source, this is the 
>> folder share/functions. The current implementation is just a grep over the 
>> first file from the list [GNUmakefile, Makefile, makefile].
>> Also, what do you mean by "bash does this"? The stock Bash 3.2.51(1)-release 
>> included on OS X does not have completion for make. Did you install a set of 
>> bash completions? In any case, you could look at how the bash completion 
>> works and update the Fish implementation for the same functionality, and 
>> then submit a pull request.
>> -Kevin
>>> On Sep 10, 2014, at 12:02 PM, Mandeep Sandhu <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I was working on a project which was using makefiles for building a
>>> bunch of stuff.
>>> This Makefile "includes" a lot of other *.make files from other
>>> sub-projects in order to build them.
>>> However, I see thast fish can only do completions for the current
>>> Makefile targets and doesn't seem to go into the sub-project's *.make
>>> files to suggest targets (bash does this).
>>> Is this something that that's possible?
>>> The current fish completion uses '__fish_print_make_targets' to get
>>> the targets. I guess this only looks at Makefile in the current dir?
>>> Is this already done in some fish release? Or should I work on adding it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -mandeep
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