This message is from: "Lynn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


In the Pony Breed Shows (of which there are not many here where I live)
they have classes and show all those other breeds, but in the normal
agricultural show around where I live they have classes for Pony Hacks and
Shetlands and that is about it. Obviously the bigger the show the bigger
the choice of classes. If you in a breed class and go up against other
breeds for a best of show type class then you would have the opportunity of
winning on your merits. If on the other hand you have to put your horse or
pony in a class for hacks, if it is not of hack type then it won't get a
look in..

But that is here, not there, which is why I asked.  The typical small Ag
show here would have Led Pony Mare, Led Pony Gelding, Led Pony Stallion.
Then ridden classes usually based on height, then something like a pairs
class, a quietest childs pony class (in which they come out bedecked in
balloons, ridden by three kids etc etc) and a consolation class. Depending
on what enters, you may have a chance with one of the heavier boned ponies,
but if there are any "Riding Ponies" or Welsh ponies (who have been used
extensively in developing the Riding Pony), unless they are on three legs,
you might as well go home.

Same applies to the big horses. In a led Hack or ridden Hack class, if you
are not on a TB, or something that shows an awful lot of TB characters
(some QH's, or rather QHX might get a look in as will some of the lighter
boned Warmbloods) and absolutely NO COLOUR then you won't even be looked
at. In rider classes it is a little different, as it is the riders ability
and the horses manners that are being judged, not his (the horses)
"beauty", but you can still here the grumbles in the stands if someone on
one of those "flashy" suspect coloured animals wins.

I am not a show person myself, so it does not worry me, but I was just
interested in the sorts of classes that you take them in when "in hand".


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