This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

Been too busy winding down my practice into total retirement and
preparing for Norway to post lately. But I do want to respond to some of
the hot topics lately. Haven't had time to read the infamous Rule Book
yet, so I'll stay away from that topic. I'm too new to know the ropes
there yet anyway.

However.  The stove pellet bedding is still great in my view.  We're in
the process of bedding all 5 of our stalls with it. [The 2 outside
stables have sand bottoms.] It's extremely absorbent, and sifts through
the fork readily, leaving just the good parts. Makes for a smaller
manure pile. No smell, virtually no dust, long lasting - try it, you'll
like it. Two caveats: 1] I imagine some horses might be allergic to it,
as they might to any bedding; 2] I don't plan to use it when Silka
presents us with the Crown Princess (we hope) in early July, because
it's too slippery for a wobbly baby until broken down.

Come to think of it, I could just bed the stall with the broken down
pellets. Then they are not slippery at all. I really don't like straw
for a number of reasons, but that has been the bedding of choice so far.
Straw could be put over it for extra padding, like Gayle does with
shavings+straw, and that would solve the absorbency problem that occurs
with straw alone. The wood stove pellets and half the price of shavings.

Speaking of Gayle. I felt so sad when I read your post about jeans and
your wish for a height transplant. Perhaps we could work out a deal....
How many inches did you have in mind? I'm not sure it would work,
though, because the donated leg part would have to be brought up to the
skill level of the rest of your leg, and that would surely take a
loooong time....

Well, it's late and I'm plum tuckered out, so I'd better sign off.  Peg
Knutsen [potential donor]

  • Stall bedding and being too short.... Knutsen Fjord Farm

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