This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 09:44 AM 04/20/2000 EDT, you wrote:
>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>In a message dated 4/19/00 11:20:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
><< This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Well Gayle:
> Since I always wear jeans to everything, even formal events. I think the
> rules of no jeans are dumb. Anyway, that is what people usually wear in
> western classes. Slacks are whussy. Ha. Since I don't show, I can say what
> I want to and one of the reasons I don't show is because I hate people
> telling me what to do. So there. I think, horse is clean and cared for,
> same with rider, I don't care if you dress up in a Mongolian tunic, in
> fact, I think it would be cool. 
> I tell you what, when I watch you and Dusty glide out into the arena I
> don't notice what either one of you are wearing, hells bells there is a
> team for ya.
>  >>
WE AGREE TOTALLY! this discriminatory regulation is ridiculous! Gene just
about went through the ceiling when he read that one.

Which is correct; a one hundred dollar pair of new designer jeans or a 25
cent pair of 30-year old polyester "slacks" from Good Will? The first a
natural fiber, the second a synthetic pollutant!!

This could be regarded as a prejudicial slam against country folk! the
heart of America, the home of the Fjord! well, what more can I say... (I'll
think of something =) You know you can slide right out of the saddle in
those danged "plastic" pants! They should outlaw them.

Ruthie, nw mt (where else)

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