This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Wednesday, April 19, 2000, you wrote:

> I think the rules are a GREAT start for NFHR. And those that worked
> on them should be thanked.

> I also believe that rules that effect the membership should be voted
> on by the membership. But then again NFHR is a REGISTRY not an
> ASSOCIATION. So these rules are only here for guidelines for those
> that want to use them.

> Steve, what do you think about an Association verse Registry?????

  I think the existing organization can fulfill both roles. I believe
  the NFHR is taking tentative steps toward picking up some of the
  slack that you are proposing to delegate to an Association. The
  beginning of the Evaluator training program, the publication of a
  breed standard, the selection of approved Fjord judges, and the
  recently unveiled Rule Book are all evidence of a great deal of
  positive accomplishment by the BOD. Now we all need to encourage
  them to support what they've done as well as move onward with new

  To support the approved judges pool and published Rule Book, the
  board now needs to sanction shows that agree to use approved judges
  and abide by the rules. (See also my earlier message in reply to
  Mike). What advantage could be offered to a sanctioned show? I don't
  know, maybe points toward National championships. This simple move
  would do a lot to move the Registry toward becoming more that just
  keeper of the Studbook.

  I think that recent discussion here has shown that a number of
  people have problems with various details of the new Rule Book. That
  is to be expected, no first edition is ever perfect. The next thing
  the BOD needs to do as regards rules, is to define and announce a
  formal method for membership input to propose changes and amendments
  to the rules (discussion of changes, frequency of changes, approval
  of changes, etc.). Then, we who wish to see the NFHR grow into new
  roles, need to stand behind the Rule Book as it was published, like
  it or not, until it is changed by the defined method.

  Come on folks! I know it's Spring and we all want to be out with our
  horses, but some intelligent discussion of the topics Catherine has
  been raising the last couple weeks could be important to the future
  of the Fjord horse in North America. Let's hear what YOU think!

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  Wherever man has left his footprint in the long ascent from barbarism
  to civilization, we will find the hoofprint of a horse beside it.
    --John Trotwood Moore

  • NFHR RULES Catherine Lassesen
    • Re: NFHR RULES Steve McIlree

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