This message is from: Fiona Nicholson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I don't know the rules for your part of the world but over here
showing Mountain and Moorland breeds the rules are Shown in the
natural state, of course that means hours of fussing over manes and
tails but making sure it doesn't look like you have! people trim the
coronet band etc but you have to just make it look natural cutting
whiskers off the face is frowned upon, they are there as you say for a
good reason

my fjord has actually been kicked out of the ring for having a clipped
mane in a M&M class . he was allowed back in after I had a word with
the judge, who had only seen fjords before in Scotland and they all
have long manes up there!

Happy Fjording
fiona nicholson
Yorkshire, England.

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