This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I find this discussion of the distancing between the world of draft and
fjords in NA to be very interesting.  A couple of years ago,  I took a week
long course driving work horses .. a bit of everything, skidding, disking,
plowing, teams, cones, etc.  8 hours a day, hitching and unhitching 5-6
times a day and a series of suppers at the various teamsters homes so we
could see their different arrangements for stabling, training ,etc.  When I
expressed an interest in Fjords, several of the boys looked disgusted and
muttered something about "those fat little ugly horses" .. lt was a great
course, but I now have a better context in which to assess the comments I
got re: fjords.  And I bought one anyhow!  I found throwing those hames over
those Belgians was a real chore.  And they didn't have the pickup and go of
the fjords, lovely that they were.

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