This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I worked a couple of years for an asbestos defense firm in San Francisco.   
There were 5 floors of the building full of lawyers doing nothing else.  
There were cases of women with mesothelioma (lung cancer from asbestos) whose 
only exposure was from washing their husband's work clothes.  When the stuff 
is in homes, it's not dangerous until it's disturbed.  It's in the dust form 
that  gets you.  When it starts breaking down, you get the dust form.  I 
think Libby is gorgeous, but I certainly am well informed about and terrified 
of asbestos dust.  And, no, it doesn't happen in a week, 20 years is about 
right, and we don't know what one exposure would do -- maybe nothing.  But I 
have noticed that life is definitely dangeous.   I lived in DC a couple of 
years, too, at another big law firm.  As for looking to the government to 
protect you, there's nobody driving that plane most of the time.    It's just 
a bunch of sloppy, disorganized human beings much like the rest of us.        

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