This message is from: Carol Makosky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi fellow Fjordies,

I have to praise Ken Raspotnik of Raspotnik Farm for the beginning work he put on my 3 yr. old mare, Nona. She is going to be a solid driving horse to put with my 16 yr. old, Heidi. My only issue with her now is getting her use to the huge noisy semis that go speeding by on the road, but she is listening to me and we only panic slightly. Hey! They scare me at times. I had her out last night with all the idiot's speeding to their weekend fun hauling all kinds of contraptions behind and she was very good. She was quite interested in a bike rider on a side road and I just let her stop and figure it out. So everyone have a good and safe 4th and I wonder how she will like all the noise.

Built Fjord Tough
Carol M.
On Golden Pond
N. Wisconsin

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