This message is from: "Terry Hale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have a couple of sources and you can contact me directly

Roni in Graham, WA
360 893-5487

Although I must say my regular supplier is out of his "regular hay". Uff da.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rose or Murph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 12:24 PM
Subject: Hay choice

This message is from: "Rose or Murph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List,

I am in western Washington. For all of you that live in Washington,
particular those located in Eastern Wa. Does anyone know of a local
farm in the Ellensburg area that sells quality timothy that you can
buy off the field at harvest time? As I came down I-90 last summer I
saw lots of hay stored in dome buildings, but have heard that is for
export, not so sure about that either, because of the heat and
sweating process that sometimes occurs. Perfect for mold to grow. We
have very little selection for hay this time of the year in my area.
It is very green timothy, and or Alfalfa which gives the runs to my
filly, and costs $13.00 for a two strand bale. I think this hay is set
aside at harvest time, and sold for the primo price in the middle of

Ideally, I am looking for light green to almost yellow in color, first
cutting timothy, (the rougher stuff). I am also scouting for good
local grown hay in this area this summer. It really varies from place
to place. Lucky I have a couple cows because they eat the bad hay,
looked good on the outside, farmer promised it was dry, but was musty
on the inside or filled with dirt, sticks, and weeds. For local hay in
this area, I am looking for that farmer who is very picky about his
fields, cutting, drying, and the type of grasses he plants. Any
suggestions welcomed? What type of hay do you all feed during the
winter to your Fjords?

Roy, Wa.

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