This message is from: Starfire Farm <>

Hello Laura,

Your problem is fairly common, simply because Fjords are so intelligent and many are not taught to lunge properly.

Your idea is on the right track. You need to break down the act of lunging into smaller steps and teach her that what you really want is for her to stay in a circle around you. Let the canter not be the most important thing. Use small circles at first, just so she gets the idea about staying with you. Gradually work in larger circles, greater speed, until you are sure she understands and won't leave. Then maybe try for the canter.

I would use the round pen, only for easier containment if she decides to leave you again. If she does leave, don't punish her, just start over and take even smaller steps.

You did not say how old your mare was. If she is young, you must be very careful not to do too much of this work because it can damage developing joints.

Good luck and have fun,


laura fisher wrote:

This message is from: laura fisher <>

I have had a problem lunging my fjord, Elise. I bought her from a woman that
let her children ride her on trails. As a result, Elise learned that she does
not have to canter. I thought starting on a 60 foot lunge line would remedy
this, but instead she is so strong that when I ask her to canter she pulls
away and the line is pulled out of my hands ...and I am a VERY strong person.
I have tried lunging her in the 60 foot round pen but I do not think this is
going to work. I am wondering if I should just do lots and lots of slow
circles, some at a walk, some at a trot. ...But I really need some input . I
want to get her cantering away but I want to do it right. This is very
frustrating. She has a lovely slow trot.
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