This message is from: Starfire Farm <>

If I remember correctly, didn't you have to have your application into 
the Rose Parade organizers by June of the previous year?

When I was talking with someone about our quadrille performing at a 
one-evening performance at the Del Mar show (The Night of the Horse, or 
something like that) it was going to cost around $3,500 - $5,000.00 
(can't remember which) just to get our team there, using our own 
trucks/trailers. That didn't count food, stabling, etc., just getting there.

So.......anyone up for a sponsorship?????????  ;-)


Karen McCarthy wrote:

>This message is from: Karen McCarthy <>
>Back when I was doing alot more parades I seriously considered entering a
>group of Fjords in the RP about 9 (?) years ago. Someone in our group had an
>"in" w/ the RP commitee and so we applied.
>It is a very rigorous undertaking. You don't 'just enter'. You have to do a
>pre-application to get through the door, then you are sent a binder that must
>be completed listing every rider/horse with accomplishments & photos down to
>the nth detail - they even wanted to know if the silver on the show saddles
>was sterling or plate!
>Well, when one of our group decided to bail on us, we sort of lost momentum in
>finding a replacement, and we didn't send in the final app. I think I still
>have the binder floating around somewhere...
>Yes, you DO have to be prepared to park your rig on a closed off section of
>freeway late the night before, and you you also have to agree to have your
>horse evaluated by the RP vets before embarking on the 5 mile parade route. If
>they deem your horse needs it, you HAVE to accept them administering a
>'cocktail', or abandon the parade. It is also a requirement now that you also
>participate in the Equine Festival before the parade, and I think this is now
>a big affair, and may take place days before the parade, thus be prepared to
>be in LA for quite awhile. I believe they stable and hold the pre-parade
>doings at the LA Eq. Center. Can't remeber if you needed to pay for boarding,
>but I would assume so.
>I'd be up for doing the parade, but only if i didn't have to drive in LA, and
>if the rig used to park the night b4 was a LQ ;~)
>:: Karen McCarthy :: Great Basin Fjords :: Madras, Oregon ::
>>Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2009 20:30:42 -0800
>>Subject: Rose parade. (was  National Western Stock Show)
>>This message is from:
>>Now THAT is quite an undertaking:  I hav a DVD called "Hooves and Roses,
>about the
>>preparation for equestrians groups participating in the Rose parad.  The
>year this
>>DVD was filmed, it RAINED and RAINED!  All the Equestrian groups had to line
>up in
>>the very early hours (3-4 am) or even were positioned with trailers the
>>before.  .  All the equestrian units put opn a show before the parade.   I
>>this DVD is still available through Rural Heritage Magazine, or if I
>>right, produced by "Video Mike.
>>Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska
>>>This message is from: "Jo Wilgus" <>
>>>Maybe in 2011 or 2012 you will come to CA to stay with me while we all
>>>in THE ROSE PARADE. I will have to do some serious "sak em out work" for
>>>that one. I know Regn is up for it as long as Mommy does it the correct
>>>Duffers is about as calm as they come, he is such a good boy.
>>>So how about that idea?
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Starfire Farm
Beth Beymer and Sandy North

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