This message is from: Starfire Farm <>

Cynthia Madden wrote:

As usual the Beth & Sandy team do a smashing job of anything they do. The
Quadrille was awesome as usual and the Herald, yet another great issue.
Thank you! (Just hear that in the announcer's voice!  ;-)

Brag alert to Kathleen - My Starfire Chiron had both his Mom and his Dad in
the Quadrille! He has a lot to live up to if I can ever get in the saddle or
cart in the near future!!
Yep! This was Slomiet's (Sophie's) 3rd outing EVER outside the farm! The first was when she was a three year old. The second was in 2008 when we performed at the Boulder County Fair and Grace Newport needed a horse to ride. The rest of the time she's been a broodmare. Victoria Arling did a very nice job with her this year.

Katheen's horse, Donati's parents have also both performed at the same time. Orinke (Donati's mom) has performed in several different Dancing Horses, as well as other venues, including in the same performances with Obie.

So, Cynthia, pull and cart AND a jump for us next year!


Starfire Farm
Beth Beymer and Sandy North

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