This message is from: Starfire Farm <>

Your winter Fjord Herald should be arriving in your mail box any day now 
and it is almost time for us to start on the next issue.

The article and ad submission deadline is Feb 1. As always, we are happy 
to answer any questions you have about submitting -- especially if 
you're a first time author. If you have something to share that might be 
of interest to other Fjord enthusiasts, don't put it off any longer. 
And, start going through your Fjord photos too -- it might be time for 
another "What have you done, lately" feature. When you send your photos, 
be sure to include captioning information and tell us who took the photo 
so we can give them proper credit.

Look forward to hearing from everyone!

Sandy (and Beth -- who is at the NFHR educational forum in TN right now 
with BDF Obelisk, BDF Magnum and BDF John Arthur)

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