This message is from: "Debby" <>

I'd definetly put a fence up to keep my horses from contact with the neighbors horses. I'd put an electric fence/tape, on top, to keep the neighbors horse off of the fence. In fact, that could be the lead to conversation with the neighbor, about putting up an electric fence. I'd also, in a friendly manner as much as one can muster up, ask about the horses they have. Mention about the sickness, show them the paperwork from the vet to show what illness their horses had gotten from the new neighbors horses. I say that as it seems to me that the neighbors horses need some medical attention. Also, the original post, I believe, mentioned the horses small paddock was not being mucked, the horses were standing in poop, and I foresee that it will probably get worse. Not sure where the original poster is located, but looks we'll have an early spring, hot summer, and the flies will be bad. Also not good for these horses feet and health, biting flies. So it becomes not only a health issue for the original poster, but also a health issue for the new neighbors horses. I'd be pissed my horses were sick, but I'd also be concerned about the neighbors horses. If the neighbor is not friendly, and its possible they've no knowledge and hopefully they will be open to information, but, if not. I'd call the humane society, take some pictures. I have found in my neighborhood, horses are out like cows, but in big acreage. But I have seen very thin horses and called the sheriffs dept and have gotten little help. But there are several humane org. that will visit, usually first by driving by, and then if they have concerns, they will contact the sheriff and pay a visit to see what issues there are with the horses, and explain how to take care of the horses and do follow ups. If the horses are in unsafe conditions, they can remove them, and if the horses are not in better conditions at the follow ups, they can be removed. I'd not have a problem calling the humane society about any kind of animal, whether next door or down the street or miles away. The concern should always be about the animal who cannot speak for himself. Debby in Tx
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