This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <>

> This message is from: "Mary Ofjord"
> Sorry for your frustration Fred, but it appears you should probably have
> retained a different attorney. If it were me, I would have stopped a long
> time before the costs reached $30K...

Horses are more important than money to some..

I think it's commendable that Fred and Lois cared
so much that they went the second mile to retrieve
what was rightfully theirs; that they cared to
such a great extent for their Fjord's welfare.

"Bygones be bygones" is easy if it's not your injustice..
but something wrong can never be made right by
indifference. The age old question, "am I my brother's
keeper?" is as relevant today as it was many years

Our common Fjord bond should be strong enough that we
care about one another, care about one another's
Fjords, care enough to extend some interest and energy
when it is called for.

All that is necessary is to do the right thing.

Ruth Bushnell, NW MT US

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