This message is from: "Beth & Sandy - Starfire Farm" <>

In Finlay's case the horse had been given a West Nile vaccination 2 days
prior to displaying signs of illness, so there was a question as to
whether it was a reaction to the vaccination or if it was rabies. He was
transported to CSU where he was isolated and monitored, but after 24
hours his condition declined so rapidly he was euthanized and tested,
result positive for rabies. His initial signs were lethargy, slight
neurologic instability and Shari had noticed slight twitching in his
nose. Nothing dramatic. He still had an appetite and recognized Shari,
even nickering to her. Fjords are so stoic... I don't know why I'm even
bothering to type they don't seem to come through when
the post reaches the list... ;-) Beth

This message is from: Robin Churchill <>

it is not clear what the problem is at the beginning of the illness.

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