This message is from: "Beth & Sandy - Starfire Farm" <>

 Hi Gayle,

This message is from: Gayle ware <>

"I have a couple of questions. In the photo of 5 abreast in the Rose
parade, are those all 5 of the Fjord colors?"
No, left to right they are brown dun (Teressa's Zoobie), red dun (our OH
Adrianna), yellow dun (LTW farm's OH Yenna) grey dun (Victoria Arling's
LTW Van Gogh) and brown dun (Kristin Miller's Saundra). The white four in
hand was the fifth color in the group.

"did everyone do their own body clipping? How long before the parade was
it done?"
I can speak for our horses. It was truly a team effort. My helper,
Christi Kipple, started the clipping the first week of December, giving
them a trace clip. Then, as time and weather permitted, we both tackled
them. I think I finished them off the week before Christmas day, which
was when we left for CA. I had done the faces and had blended most of the
legs on the Four, and left patches on the hips for the cancer ribbon.
Once we were there, Marg Clumpner and Angela Toponga (bless their
hearts!) took over with the horses that needed finishing. Blending the
faces and the feathers on the legs takes a LOT of time! Victoria Arling
did her own horse and Samantha and Savanna Poirier clipped Jeanne's
horse, but cut off all of the hair with no blending. Kristin Miller's
horse also had no feathers.
Blending isn't that difficult with #10 blades on Oster clippers, turned
backwards. Just takes time and patience.
I was hoping to cut hearts into my four white's manes, but ran out of


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