I'm currently facing the same problem.
I added the libFLAC++ libraries to my MSVC application.
I implemented the same quality levels (0-8) as used in the FLAC frontend application.
But the resulting files are remarkable different between my application and the FLAC 
frontend (although using the same settings).

for example:

FLAC frontend (quality = 8)
FLAC_vendor = reference libFLAC 1.1.1 20041001
bitrate = 1047
samplerate = 44100
channels = 2
bitspersample = 16
codec = FLAC
4831008 samples @ 44100Hz
File size: 14 334 137 bytes

My Application (quality = 8)
FLAC_vendor = reference libFLAC 1.1.1 20041001
bitrate = 1314
samplerate = 44100
channels = 2
bitspersample = 16
codec = FLAC
4831008 samples @ 44100Hz
File size: 17 995 449 bytes

>Hello all,
>I've been writing a basic encoder using libFLAC++. It seems to work fine, as >in the 
>resultant file is playable in any FLAC compatible player, however the >compression 
>ratio is very small - the main example being a 60MB file >compressing to 54MB, i 
>guess there's an option i've missed, but i cannot >track it down. I was hoping 
>someone could point it out for me:

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