On 10/4/06, King, Joshua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You could reverse the change, comment out the 'cd api...' line in
doc/html/Makefile.am or a simple workaround would just be to to put an
empty file in the doc/html/api folder, which should make the install
command succeed. You could put something like 'touch doc/html/api/empty'
in the ebuild if that works.

Otherwise make doxygen a requirement of the ebuild and take out the
--disable-doxygen-docs option.

Oh, shoot(!) I misunderstood:

JC> that has to work if you are building from CVS.  for official

Now I understand :) OK, I got it working now, thanks

BTW- is there any tenative release date? The API changes seem like
something I'd want to prepare for. Thanks
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