Assuming by AS2 you mean you are using class(es) for your component. You
need to delete your ASO files... check the archives about it - or use
Google. ASO are snapshots of your classes to help speed up subsequent

Mike Chambers whipped up a command or something I think to help clear those


On 11/15/05, Justin Schell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am working on an FLA in Flash MX Pro 2004 in Windows XP that is using
> mostly AS1 components, but the component that I am working on is AS2.
> After I have generated the SWF using ctrl-enter once or twice, when I
> make further changes to the source code, the changes are not picked up
> when I generate the SWF again, the previous code seems to be used. I
> can restart Flash and get it to generate correctly a couple of times,
> but then changes are no longer picked up. Usually the first time that
> changes are failed to be picked up, I can test the SWF correctly in
> debug mode once or twice, but again changes stop being picked up. It
> kind of slows down the workflow when I have to restart flash every 10
> minutes...
> Has anyone had this problem before or, more importantly, have a
> solution?
> Justin Schell
> Software Engineer, Crystal Xcelsius
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