.cacheAsBitmap might be your best friend here :)


On 12/22/05, Merrill, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>In absence of that, any hints of tips anyone can offer would be of
> great
> >>help. The way I have done some somewhat similar projects involved
> creating a
> >>large movie clip from the loaded data, and then calculating the width
> of
> >>that movie clip to use in its looping animation (using 2 instances to
> make
> >>it seamless).  The problem I foresee with that is that this has the
> >>potential of being very long, and thus might not animate smoothly.
> Does
> >>anyone have any general suggestions I should consider as I plan this
> >>project?
> Instead of making a big 'ol movie clip in a library and
> animating/tweening that, I would instead make a single movie clip which
> has a text field, and attach that to the stage, populate the stock data,
> and tween/animate with actionscript,  - you would create and destroy
> instances when they leave and exit the view area, and the data is
> dynamic for each clip.  That to me would be a better/more elegant
> approach, and if you do it right, will perform much better too.
> Jason Merrill   |   E-Learning Solutions   |  icfconsulting.com
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