There is not support for using the Flex Framework in an AS only project. While it is theoretically possible, you would have to manually bootstrap a lot of the application initialization code that Flex handles (something which would be rather complex).

If you want to play with the framework, but don't want to layout your app with mxml, then the easier way is to create a simple mxml file that contains an application tag, and a script tag that then points to your code.

This way, the application tag will take care of all of the initialization, and you can then leverage the framework via ActionScript.

If you just want to use ActionScript and no framework, then mxmlc will also compile an .as file.

Hope that helps...

mike chambers


On Jul 5, 2006, at 11:58 AM, Zárate wrote:

Hi all,

I want to start playing with AS3 so I´ve downloaded the Flex 2 SDK
from Adobe Labs. I don't want to use Flex Builder, I'm interested in
the free compiler.

I want to keep living without the Flex Framework but seems that the
mxmlc compiler *needs* an mxml file (which, by the way, make sense):

"The basic syntax of the mxmlc utility is as follows:

mxmlc [options] -file-specs target_file|dir [...]

The file-specs options is the default option, and it is required to
have a value. It refers to the target MXML file that mxmlc compiles
into a SWF file."

How do I create a SWF just from AS3 code without MXML files, aka Flex
framework? Is this possible? Am I missing something important here?



Juan Delgado - Zárate
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