I have written a class that simply creates movieclips (grids) on screen. It
draws everything from actionscript so no library items are required.

However, I am passing this class on to developers that will use it as they
see fit. The problem is with the depth management. It seems I am stuck with
forcing the developers not to use any components, otherwise the depth
management is all stuffed up.

If I use getNextHighestDepth(), I can create and destroy movieclips freely
which is fine. Until someone uses a v2 component (like a button), then it
breaks. They will create, but wont destroy because they get an invalid depth
at creation.

If I decide to use the DepthManager class, I have to have at least one v2
component in the library for it to work. The reason i created the class in
the first place was to keep things small and libraryless if i wanted to.

its seems I'm damned if i do and i'm damned if i dont.

Is there any way to detect for components and use the DepthManager class
instead of getNextHighestDepth()?

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