
I'd like to send a short note about my Apache module
for serving socket policy file in a more effective and
secure way than many current scripts on the net do:

It can't be blocked by a slow/malicious client,
runs with reduced privilleges (as "apache", "www", "nobody", YMMV)
and doesn't read any input from clients at all.

I've yet to add documentation and Redhat/CentOS rpm packages
and I also plan to make it configurable through httpd.conf, but anyway
it is already useable - you can find my mod_socket_policy.c here:


Adjust the POLICY string for your needs, then compile and install it with

       apxs -c mod_socket_policy.c
       apxs -i mod_socket_policy.la

then add the following lines to your httpd.conf:

    LoadModule socket_policy_module modules/mod_socket_policy.so
    Listen 843
    <VirtualHost _default_:843>

and remember to open the port 843 in your firewall + if you run SELinux:

    semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 843

and you should be ready to go.

The license is open-source and allows commercial usage.

Optionally there is also a socket-policy.pl for a quick start,
it should run on Windows with ActivePerl as well.

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