HI Team,

Hope you are doing well.

Can I request you to support review for
https://review.coreboot.org/q/topic:PCH_HW_SEQ_Cleanup and validation on
older ICH/PCH chipsets.

I have done my testing so far on Chrome OS devices but would like to get
your help on older devices if possible.


On Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 12:11 AM Subrata Banik <subrataba...@google.com>

> I agree with Tim and will try to provide more requested information and
> testing with those CLs.
> > Only your reasoning "maintain the code symmetry" is not enough to
> justify changes.
> Kindly ignore my #2 comment, re-reading it doesn't make sense to me :) to
> maintain the symmetry is the real reason for those code changes.
> Looking for review comments and I will address those earliest.
> Thanks for having good discussion here.
> Thanks,
> Subrata
> On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 10:24 PM Tim Wawrzynczak <twawrzync...@google.com>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 10:35 AM Nico Huber <nic...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>> On 17.03.22 15:35, Subrata Banik wrote:
>>> > On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 6:08 PM Nico Huber <nic...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>> >> On 16.03.22 17:19, Subrata Banik wrote:
>>> >>> The reason for this refactoring of HW sequencing SPI driver code are:
>>> >>> 1. We (Chrome OS team) recently ran into a firmware update issue on
>>> >>> dogfooders (test device utilise by real users and share feedback)
>>> >>> systems,
>>> >>> where the attempt to perform SPI flash update operation from host-cpu
>>> >>> (using underlying flashrom utility) is silently failing.
>>> Furthermore, we
>>> >>> debug the issue with help of Intel and figure out the problem is
>>> related
>>> >>> to
>>> >>> multiple master is accessing the SPI flash and operation triggered by
>>> >>> host-cpu side using flashrom (write and erase operation) is getting
>>> timed
>>> >>> out (due to given lesser timeout boundary) due to underlying SPI bus
>>> is
>>> >>> occupied by other master.
>>> >>
>>> >> Does the issue persist with the following commit applied to
>>> libflashrom,
>>> >> activated and integrated into futility?
>>> >>
>>> >>   commit 330088d77 [CHROMIUM]: libflashrom: Also use USE_BIG_LOCK
>>> >>
>>> >> This would give us a hint if the issue is indeed due to multiple
>>> masters
>>> >> or actually due to multiple programs trying to control the same
>>> master.
>>> >>
>>> > [Subrata] Yes, we are seeing failure even with USE_BIG_LOCK code
>>> changes
>>> > being integrated. The only code change that helps us to W/A this issue
>>> is
>>> > here
>>> >
>>> https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/third_party/flashrom/+/3498895
>>> > (increase
>>> > timeout in flashrom operations). Also, Intel disable the CSE runtime
>>> access
>>> > to SPI using a custom tool and that helped to fix this update failure
>>> as
>>> > well. These are the evidence towards multi master theory in AU failure
>>> > issue.
>>> I see. I was probably too distracted by the refactoring patches earlier.
>>> CB:62867 is indeed necessary.
>> We seem to have actually figured out what the actual root cause of our
>> problem was, and it indeed
>> does seem to be the multi-master problem and flashrom not waiting long
>> enough in these cases.
>> tl;dr widevine provisioning was failing, and repeating endlessly in a
>> loop (~each second or so) and
>> each attempt actually causes the CSE to write to its data area in flash.
>> Unfortunately, we do not have
>> fantastic visibility into the processes that are running during AU, and
>> so this was very hard to track down.
>> We have fixed the issues with widevine provisioning and also added a max
>> 5 attempts to provision a device
>> instead of writing endlessly to the flash in the failure case.
>>> We already assumed a 5s timeout is needed for erasing a block. Worst
>>> case seems to be that all masters try to do this at once and then one
>>> master would have to wait (NM-1)*5s before its transaction even starts
>>> (NM being the number of masters).
>>> We could make it depend on the number of masters, or just choose some-
>>> thing safe like 30s. WDYT?
>> I think the longer the timeout (until it gets ridiculous), probably the
>> better. Unless there is buggy hardware
>> out there, there is no good reason for these operations to timeout; there
>> could for sure be SPI flash
>> chips out there that perhaps aren't always performing to-spec, who knows.
>> But in this case, since do we know the maximum number of masters, and 5s
>> per erase seems reasonable too,
>> then 30 seconds makes sense to me.
>>> >> This is the special case, starting from Tiger Lake Chrome Platform,
>>> where
>>> >>> we have enable the PVAP (Protected Audio Video Path) which request
>>> CSE to
>>> >>> perform some erase and write operation as needed.
>>> >>
>>> >> We used flashrom on PAVP enabled systems for more than a decade
>>> without
>>> >> issues. Did something change in that area for Tiger Lake in
>>> particular?
>>> >>
>>> > [Subrata]  I'm not sure about other platforms, but from TGL onwards, on
>>> > Chrome devices we have enabled PAVP use case and Intel had tried to
>>> > replicate this issue on older platforms as well and informed us it's
>>> > replicated the issue on TGL platform as well where PAVP first being
>>> enabled
>>> > and not on JSL (which doesn't enable PAVP). Right now the
>>> recommendation
>>> > that is coming out from Intel is that, on latest Chrome OS devices,
>>> there
>>> > might be concurrent SPI accesses between host CPU and CSE. But I will
>>> ask
>>> > this question about the older generation platform as you have
>>> highlighted
>>> > which has PAVP enabled. Can you please let me know those platform
>>> names ?
>>> > Also,  do you know on those devices if we are trying to update the FW
>>> using
>>> > flashrom tool as well or not?
>>> Thanks for looking into it. As our timeouts were way below the worst
>>> case, I assume enabling PAVP just makes the problem more visible and is
>>> not directly related. It could also be any other code running on the CSE
>>> that changed between JSL and TGL (unless you know, ofc., that PAVP is
>>> the only code that writes to flash).
>> PAVP is the only thing we know of ATM that writes to the flash aside from
>> perhaps after the first flash of the ME region.
>> The reason this became visible on brya only now I explained just above :)
>>> Flashrom basically runs on everything so the platform names would be all
>>> platforms that support PAVP. Probably not worth looking further into it
>>> unless there are still issues with a reasonable timeout.
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >>> 2. Maintain the code symmetry between coreboot and flashrom SPI
>>> hardware
>>> >>> sequencing operations.
>>> >>
>>> >> Flashrom has tighter requirements compared to coreboot because we try
>>> to
>>> >> support all compatible chipset generations with the same code. If you
>>> >> want to align the two code-bases, please use flashrom as reference and
>>> >> patch coreboot.
>>> >>
>>> > [Subrata] Let me understand this a little better, are you suggesting
>>> not to
>>> > increase the SPI operation timing in flashrom upstream master ? knowing
>>> > that there is a hidden issue acknowledged by Intel with their
>>> validation
>>> > data, also, promised to update the SPI programming guide to capture the
>>> > recommendation of timeout in multi master scenarios.
>>> No I'm not suggesting any such thing. What I wrote was related to your
>>> 2. point as quoted above.
>>> >
>>> > Apart from timeout increasing CLs, other code changes are to increase
>>> the
>>> > code modularity (like using macro and helper function), are you
>>> suggesting
>>> > to not touch the flashrom code? can't we all contribute towards
>>> validating
>>> > the concerned target platforms. At Least in the coreboot community we
>>> all
>>> > help each other to validate the platform if we are out of required
>>> devices.
>>> We can have a look at the individual changes if there is a reason to
>>> change the code, i.e. to make it better. Only your reasoning "maintain
>>> the code symmetry" is not enough to justify changes.
>>> I'm sorry if this affects your work, but we have very bad experience
>>> with unnecessary code changes by CrOS developers. Currently `sb600spi`
>>> (the equivalent to `ichspi` for AMD platforms) is broken since months
>>> and only CrOS developers could clarify why the code was changed as it
>>> was. We need to prevent that this happens to `ichspi` too, right?
>>> Nico
>> We are certainly not intending to break ichspi or make it worse, we are
>> trying to make it better, perhaps we were a little
>> hasty in trying to get through solutions that were not perhaps the root
>> of the problem, but were discovered along the way.
>> We are also working with Intel to get some documentation out about the
>> expected behaviors with regard to the
>> multi-master scenarios, hopefully that will help clarify things some in
>> this regard.
>> -Tim
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