
I ran into problem with charts. I have an object that contains another object and I need to make a chart using them. Let’s say that the object looks like this:


class com.mycom.myObjectX


            public var myString:String;

            public var myOtherObject:SomeObject; // Contains a field: myNumber:Number




I would like to do something like this with an array (myArray ) containing myObjectX’s:


<mx:ColumnChart id="bar" marginLeft="5" height="1000" width="100%" marginRight="5" dataProvider="{myArray }" showDataTips="true">



                                    <mx:ColumnSeries yField=" myOtherObject.myNumber" />




                        <mx:CategoryAxis dataProvider="{myArray}" categoryField="myString" />



                        <mx:LinearAxis interval="100" />





The problem is that yField="myOtherObject.myNumber" won’t work ( yField=”myNumber” would work if myObjectX was a flat object but it ain’t…).

I just can’t figure out why I cannot reference a object.field  instead of field in yField? Has anyone figured out this one?






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