See Webinar on 9/11/08, ask some serious questions, examine answers seriously, see if they're answered with depth

I won't discuss Microsoft because of certain circumstances, but I'll tell you there's danger in the upper echelons, things you have no idea of.

As far as Adobe, they are not Microsoft, but, I'll leave it at this:

Everyone go to and read the Whitepaper
Everyone try out the Trial, especially the LAND's END trial
Everyone register for the Webinar
And everyone write the CEO (e-mail listed at the end of the Webinar) about the future of FLEX and the Future of Scene7, particularly, not for PDF solutions, but for Flash and FLEX oriented solutions.
Save what he tells you.
See how things actually pan out in the coming months if you are a free- lancer or a fresh graduate out of college willing to start a Small Business for Development. Then find out if it's worth the money and time you invest in Adobe, given their plans for

Find out for yourself.

My recommendation, continue as is, but keep your eyes open, and my personal opinion is these new events have caused me to trust Adobe Far Less than Macromedia.

They have to compete, but not against their own developers.

Will they go too far? Microsoft did. Do you own research on that if you wondered what happened in the 90's. There's plenty of it. The case is posted, Discovery, Judgement.

Adobe is nowhere near there yet, but I see the first sign of it in

As an analogy, a Store selling Generic brands places them side by side with Brand Names.

What they don't do is Sell their Generic Name in Shelf Set Prominence and put a people they sell shelf space to way-way-way in the back in a crowded far reaching place.


On Aug 27, 2008, at 4:22 PM, Howard Fore wrote:

At the risk of fanning the flames (and flamers), what exactly do you think has happened in the MS developer world? It seems to me that there are plenty of jobs using MS-centric technologies.

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 11:02 AM, Robert Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: Developers young and experienced alike should be concerned about the efforts they put into technology platforms, and how the results of their work can be compromised (in Microsoft's case well documented in the 1990's) to a great extent.

"The universe tends toward maximum irony. Don't push it." - Jeff Atwood

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