Since I'd like to speak for myself since I'm the one on the Subject Line, I'd 
like to say that the threads over the weekend happened as so:

1. I received an e-mail from Adobe about the upcoming Webinar on 
Thursday Sept. 11th 

2. I asked the group, which I've not posted on for a very long time, but have 
followed since the very 1st FLEX Beta, and is where I go to ask people like 
Matt Chotin who was either with Macromedia and now Adobe the last time I spoke 
about encouraging Adobe to support an OpenGL effort so that SilverLight doesn't 
try to squash Flash; I posted to hope for a response from him or someone in his 
position about Scene7 and how it will effect Flex coding.

3. I wanted to know more about about and it's effects on my future 
plans as just several months ago I purchased FLEX Builder 3.0 with ILOG Elixr 
(especially for the Radar component which I use to help a professor out with 
some research visualization) and my purchase cost me $1,777 (Additionally I had 
just put about 2 grand into Adobe Master Suite; which relates more to my 
current but now unstable commitment to Adobe as a company, but it's the Flex 
purchase that's relevant).

4. Since it appeared to me from the e-mail, Whitepaper, Client list and after 
doing some research, a press release I found from last fall about the 
Acquisition of and the resignation of the CEO about the same time, 
it appeared to me, from the words I read, that a FLEX based service will be 
offered by Adobe to e-Commerce business owners at large.  I felt that the 
length of the client list and this change in direction (that I perceived, I'm 
not talking about what I may not know about Adobe which is why I posted) was a 
potential betrayal against Flex coders investing a lot of time and money into 
plans of their own to offer services in this area.  Mine being called CART WEB 
SERVICE, which has integrated a SQL Server 2005 database eCommerce system with 
a FLEX, Flash and in the case of one client a DHTML with FLV video.

5. So what I've been concerned about is something that I've not scene before 
either in Macromedia or it's predecessor FutureWave and it's successor Adobe, 
and that is a clear line as a provider of Applications and Developer tools.  
Many problems can arise when these are not clearly defined and the issues of 
the 1990's regarding Microsoft made this pretty clear; which is one reason I've 
moved to primarily Mac OSX development and Adobe Software on Mac OS X (with the 
exception of some other software like FCS2).

6. I was and am still concerned, and have expressed that I hoping all of this 
is more cleared up after the Webinar, that the plans for will or 
will not effect any bidding or work plans FLEX coders such as myself focused on 
e-Commerce, especially in the music and fine-art business (2 sites will be 
launched in September by me based on an integration of an e-Commerce platform 
with Flash and Flex).

7. I also want to know this earlier rather than later so I can adjust my plans. 
 If Adobe is not competing against developers it sells to, then great, I 
continue to love Adobe and root for them and especially AIR over Microsoft, 
whom I made the wrong decision out of college to devote myself to and ended up 
losing several years of development effort; something I cannot go into.

8. For whatever reason this was taken as an offense by a few people and it 
escalated from there to me trying not to let a negative post by me go 
corresponded to in a well mannered way.

9. I expressed some serious concerns I have about my12 year investment in 
programming in Flash, Actions, ActionScript 1,2,3, and Flex, all of which I've 
shown excitement and enthusiasm in the past on, and I hope to continue to show 
enthusiasm on as I do not want to use SilverLight only as I've had a bad 
relationship with MS, and I hope to continue to show enthusiasm also because I 
don't want to throw away 12 years of skills.

10. And this is a nice # to stop at, I was basically told to F*** off by Josh 
McDonald.  He had mis-understood or whatever it was that compelled him to tell 
me that my post.  I subsequently posted that I would try to remain more focused 
but for him to get off my back.  He said "No, I will not get off your back".  
That is the only reason I contacted Yahoo to ask them to tell him to get off my 
back. If someone has the Gaul to curse you out from a distance, I personally 
believe it's cowardly.  The analogy of being told to f.o. in NYC or other 
street areas is totally different; obviously things are more clear, and there 
are clear legal complications of that in public.  Online there's no legal 
complications until you begin to get personal to a certain thresh hold.  No 
thresh hold has been reached, so please don't read anything into that, I just 
want to get things more clear on the Webinar date, be left alone until then, 
and change my plans after The Webinar if I have to.  There are enough options 
out there to cut my losses now and earn income on what I've developed and 
change direction for the long term future.

I hope this explains the matter, and please, only the OWNER OF THE FORUM 
contact me PERSONALLY by e-mail, PLEASE DO NOT let this escalate into a Forum 
vs. Robert.  That was never my intention, and Josh really let off some 
fire-works with that F___ off, regardless if others would blame me; I don't 
treat others like that and curse them and ask not to be cursed at.


On Tuesday, September 02, 2008, at 07:29AM, "nathanpdaniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Since he seems to be in EVERY thread... and why should we (not) listen 
>to what he has to say?  Just curious...

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