Let me clear the air on me once and for all and say that Matt has put into words exactly what I, for whatever reason, of for being unknown or whatever, said differently and got concerned about.

The answer is, Yes, I am doing a lot of Bayesian Probability research (Indeterministic systems) and some of that has to do with recoloring sections of images. I had the pleasure of speaking with one of the leaders in this field from Cornell University, although it wasn't in a proper setting, he at least recognized some of my points, and I some of his.

This man is extremely talented and a PhD of course, and deals with medical imaging. Music and medical imaging are what got me on the road to Bayesian probability.

I just posted only one response in defense to someone mentioning me and I'd like to "hide away in my nest egg" as the person put it, and be left alone and out of your comments until September 12th when the Webinar is over. And even then I probably won't post because some of the more frequent posters on this list, simply do not like me.

Can this be the </end> and if not, can Matt Chotin's word's below be the <end/> as although I don't know how he feels about me, I do respect him greatly.


On Sep 2, 2008, at 1:26 PM, Matt Chotin wrote:

Hey guys,

I guess this is what I get for going on vacation last week huh?

Clearly most of you guys saw the threads last week (and even today frankly) that I think went well over the line of what should be considered acceptable list behavior. I'd like to remind everyone that the words you post here are basically going to live on forever in search engines, mail archives, etc. Try not to write things that are going to embarrass you in the future. And while in general I don't have a problem with foul language (one need only hang out with me briefly) I think this forum is not the place for it, and ask that if you take the time to type it out, you take the time to take a deep breath and use those backspace and delete keys. OK, play nice, issue

Robert was saying that there's a Scene 7 webinar and it will talk about Flex and developers may want to pay attention. I think most of you should go and
attend but that's because I think that Scene 7 offers interesting
opportunities for various ecommerce solutions. I do not see Scene 7
competing with most of what you guys do (at least as far as I know). If however you have a system that you sell to large ecommerce sites that does high-end image manipulation including color changes and various transforms, I think you may be a competitor. Other than that, I don't believe Scene 7
competes with what most Flex developers do.

Doesn't mean Adobe doesn't end up competing with customers. I always feel a total tinge of guilt when I see a really cool product out there and know that Adobe will compete in that area too. Adobe is a public company that
needs to grow, that means that we will not be contracting our areas of
focus, we will be expanding. We obviously have a huge stake in image
software, it is reasonable to assume that we will be going into the web version of that pretty heavily (most folks would agree we'd be pretty stupid not to). If you look at where Acrobat is successful (and as much as folks hate Reader for being slow, it's really really successful) it is in business productivity. You can imagine we'll be continuing along those lines (see
acrobat.com). So that's two examples, I'm sure there are others.

Last question was on Flexstore license and whether you can use it as the
basis for commercial software or whatever. Answer: yes. You can use
Flexstore to do whatever you want. I think all the samples we post on dev center where source is available, you can treat that as being open to doing
whatever you want where it says "see accompanying license".

Hope this helps,

Flex Product Manager

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