> I know that there's an Apollo list, but I don't want to subscribe for a
couple of questions.
That just sounds funny. ;-)

1. Do you have a semi-simple mxml/as setup that shows this or is application
pretty large?

2. Give a procedure of what you do, I could see if it messes up in mine as

FlexBuilder 3.0.1 right?


On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Amy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I know that there's an Apollo list, but I don't want to subscribe for a
> couple of questions.
> I'm having problems using Flex Builder to build an AIR application.
> For one thing, it seems like after a couple of builds of my AIR app,
> AIR will stop building applications and I have to reboot my computer to
> get it to work again.
> The second issue is that it doesn't seem like any of the AIR specific
> classes work with code hinting and a lot of times they won't show up on
> searches of the language reference. How do I fix this?
> Thanks;
> Amy

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