On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Wesley Acheson
<wesley.ache...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Okay sorry If I wasn't clear enough about it basically the data grid 
>> stretches, but not enough to accomidate all columns. Nor even enough to fill 
>> the container.  Setting a width of 0 makes the datagrid remember its 
>> constraint layout.  Some other intresting factors in my test case if I leave 
>> on column not dynamically created specified in the mxml, and replace it with 
>> the dynamic columns then it works correctly.

I've told you what your basic problem is: The DatarGrid's minWidth is
greater than the Panel's width. You could come up with any number of
scenarios in which this happens -- it doesn't matter. If you add a 100
columns to the DataGrid, it will compute its minWidth based on how
much space it thinks it needs. The way to override that is to set the
minWidth explicitly. If you try this with the sample you posted,
you'll see that you get the desired behavior.

  <DataGrid minWidth="1" ... />


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