You should check out the int, uint, and Number types. The sizes are
predefined in ActionScript 3 and not system dependent (e.g. int is
always 32-bit signed).

Operator overloading is not available. You can create an 'equals'
method and use it like so:

  if (obj1.equals(obj2))

You can create a simple class for a "structure":

  public class Contact {
    public var name:String;
    public var address:String;
    public var phone:String;

And afterward you can use it like so:

  var contact:Contact = new Contact(); = "Joe";
  contact.address = "Los Angeles";

  addToAddressBook(contact); /* function call */

ActionScript 3 is a pass-by-value language. Everything is passed by
value. When you pass an object reference to a function, the reference
is passed by value -- i.e. the function receives its own copy of the

If you're thinking of C++ references, this is not it. Think "pointers" instead.

Just to be clear:

  function foo(ref:Object) {
    ref.prop1 = "new value";

  var obj:Object = new Object();
  obj.prop1 = "old value;

  foo(obj); // modified

  trace(obj.prop1); // prints "new value"

Lastly, you can convert an int to a Number by simply assigning it.

  var i:int = 10;
  var n:Number = i;

If you're coming straight from a C/C++ background, there's a lot
you'll need to unlearn before you start to get a hang of ActionScript
3. But it's basically in the same family of languages, so you should
have no trouble.


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 7:57 PM, christophe_jacquelin
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a C developper and now I am developing in Action Script. I have 
> questions about ActionScript
> - Is it possible to define a variable as a long ?
> - How to program the overloading of an operator like the equal between 2 
> objects of a same class.
> - What is the equivalent of a structure ?
> - When I call a function with a parameter, did this parameter is modified 
> when I return from this function ?
> - How to convert an int to a Number ?
> Thank you,
> Christophe,
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