I'll look into us adding product names.  Not sure if the dictionary can be 
customized for personal words though.  Not sure about the misspellings of the 
common stuff, I'm checking on that though.


On 4/15/09 4:39 AM, "Tom Chiverton" <tom.chiver...@halliwells.com> wrote:

 On Thursday 09 Apr 2009, Matt Chotin wrote:
> I got spell check in the rich text editor to work in Firefox on the Mac,
> it's the checkbox in the upper right corner and you have to turn it on. It
> seems to run about every 20 seconds or so, not quite as instant as Firefox.

It doesn't know about all the words I've added to my local dictionary (obv.).
'wayyy' doesn't count as misspelled. Neither does 'tooo'. It's not even
pre-loaded with Adobe product names.

> We're working on updating the subject to be shorter and I'm still trying to
> investigate fixing the header which is more important than fixing the
> subject line itself.

Ace news !
And the body text will be changed to have the actual message at the top too ?

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