I will quote from eariler post of Manish Jetani from flexcomponents
mail conference

"If you want your item renderer to affect the height of the row > set
correct measuredHeight in measure() method"


  If you are not confident with how to set measuredHeight in your
custom itemRenderer, you can change rowHeight property of you listBase
control (List or Datagrid) to a some greater value that will be good
enough for you than default 21 pixels.

Best regards,
Andriy Panas

2009/5/23 Laurence MacNeill <lmacne...@comcast.net>:
> I have a TextArea that I'm using as a custom ItemRenderer.  Problem is, it's
> not showing all the lines of the data -- only the first one.  I can set the
> height to anything, and it's always just high enough to see only the first
> line of the text.

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