I just downloaded and installed DMV 3.4.0 with Flex SDK 3.4.0. I compared
the sources of DMV 3.3.0 and 3.4.0 and it seems pretty close to nothing has
changed. For example  even a closed bug from Adobe Bug Issue Management
System that was supposed to be fixed in April are not included in DMV 3.4.0
(see https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FLEXDMV-1785)

I guess it's true what the Issue management shows: An empty list of fixed
issues on DMV 3.4.0.

I'm pretty disappointed since there really is work to be done on DMV
components and it seems that Adobe just hasn't put in the effort. Our
current product uses lots of charts and Advanced Data Grids and we indeed
have problems.

Is there a DMV release with some actual fixes coming any time soon?


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