Before embarking on potentially time-consuming or risky customization, we
usually have to weigh other priorities. But thanks, I'll keep that in mind,
and look into it when time permits.

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Brendan Meutzner <>wrote:

> Have you looked at using a custom IAxisRenderer for the series in which you
> limit the labels which are shown?  You would be able see the labels which
> are to be displayed and show/hide them accordingly.  I believe that you'll
> find the setter for gutters has the labels which are added automatically.
> Brendan
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Richard Rodseth <>wrote:
>> My stakeholders almost always seem to want something for DateTimeAxis
>> labels that I can't give them out of the box.
>> Example: I have a weeks worth of data in 15-minute increments, and would
>> like the labels at 12AM and 12PM. Or if only one per day, at 12PM rather
>> than 12AM.
>> But if I set labelUnits to hours, I get one label per day at 12AM.
>> Anyone discovered any tricks?

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