Hi to all,
     Thanks for your update, I deployed my application on Linux box on JBOSS application server and I am accessing it from Window ENV in IE 6.0 with Flash Player 8.0 as a client side.
The browse popup doesn't show.
If I run my application server on Window Machine and access the application from Windows ENV in IE6.0 with Flash player 8.0 client side browse popup. shows.
if you have any clue on this , please help me out.
Sandip Patil

Manish Jethani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/1/05, sandip_patil01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My server details -->
> OS : RedHat Linux
> Application Server :Jboss4.0.1sp1
> JDK 1.4
> Client browser details :
>  IE 6.0 & Flash Player8x
> Now when I am running my upload functionality in my local system(Win
> XP) fileio.browse() function opening a browse window.
> When I deploy the same application on Linux box browse window
> doesn't appear.I checked all the ways here & there but no luck.If
> you help me in this issue it will be great help.

By "Linux box" do you mean client or do you mean server?  There's no
Player 8 for Linux AFAIK so I don't see how you could get this to
work.  If you mean server then I have no clue why it wouldn't work
because AFAIK the file upload is a purely client-side feature. :-/

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