I'm trying to get the locale from IE 9.  I've written the following, but it is 
not working as expected.  In IE 9, I can add more than one language, so I can 
add [de], then [de_DE], then [en_US] (listed in that order).

If I call 'navigator.userLanguage.toString', then IE returns en-us, even though 
I know German is listed first and working (Google comes up in German).  I 
thought maybe it was because it was trying to return an Array of languages, so 
I changed my code to look for an Array or an Object.  Nothing works.

var l10NCodes:Object = null;
var l10nCode:String = null;

/* Try to get the language code from the browser first.  The browser returns 
the language code and the country code rather than just the language code 
alone. */
if (ExternalInterface.available) {
       l10NCodes = ExternalInterface.call('navigator.userLanguage');
       l10nCode = ExternalInterface.call('navigator.userLanguage.toString');

Michael J. Regert

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