Hi everyone!

Just picking up Flex for the first time and playing with the Alpha and AS3. I'd like to run a question passed you all.

We have a Coldfusion html based application that is made up of many sub applications. These sub app's are selected by users and displayed as pods under one shell (page). They are completely autonomous but some are updated depending on the page context. In many ways they are like widgets that you might see on Konfabulator. While many of these little app's are built by us there are others provided by partners.

I would really like to see these moved into a Flex shell so I am sitting down to sketch out how it will all fit together. So ...

Is it possible to use more than one application container? I can envisage a "master" application container which has our main shell  (global nav bar's etc) and each widget running it's own application container. Is this nesting desirable? If not would you use a panel container to hold each application/widget. The key issue is that some app's are self contained and I am wondering how to ensure each is encapsulated.

Does this approach sound feasible or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Many thanks

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