(reposted since previous message contained < > and didn’t appear on the list)




I’m upgrading my tool I created in flex 2.0 alpha, and I’m having a problem with the <mx:Text> component.

I’m using a VBox in a repeater to create a forumthread like result:


<mx:Repeater width="100%" id="list" dataProvider="{messages}">

            <mx:VBox width="100%">

                        <mx:Text width="100%" htmlText="{list.currentItem.message}" />

                        <mx:HRule width="100%"/>

                        <mx:Label width="100%" htmlText="Posted by &lt;b&gt;{list.currentItem.FstName}&lt;/b&gt;" />

                        <mx:HRule width="100%"/>                                                                               




This was working great in the alpha version, but in the beta there’s a little problem.

In alpha, the mx:Text was using the height it needed, so the height of the VBox it was in increased as the text got longer, which is the result I wanted.


In beta1 there’s a little problem, since it seems the mx:text takes the height as if it was like 100px wide, instead if it’s actual width. Here’s 2 screenshots to show the problem:




Here you see the textbox using the total available width, but if the textbox gets larger, it gives this:




See the problem?


Any suggestions are appreciated.




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