Hi Abdul, thanks for your reply. I am busy today, but will prepare a sample which produces the error. I hope to have it ready tomorrow (Australian time).


BTW, I have set allowScriptAccess to “always” and have observed this in Firefox and Internet Explorer.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Abdul Qabiz
Sent: Saturday, 10 June 2006 11:58 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] One last try: _javascript_ security


Ok, just confimed it works on my system also.

Would be interested to know what browser you are using and how are you embedding the Flash into html? I used SWFObject.


On 6/10/06, Abdul Qabiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Can you please post a simple but complete code (Flex + _javascript_), I would like to look at it. Sorry, I am being bit lazy doing all that..



On 6/10/06, FineLine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Matt, I have just tested this –use-network=false option with the command line compiler, still get the same security error in Flash player when I try the call out to _javascript_:


SecurityError: Error #2060: Security sandbox violation: ExternalInterface caller file://C|\ExternalTest.swf may not access file://C:\ExternalTest.htm.

            at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/call()

            at ExternalTest/::btn1_click()

            at ExternalTest/__btn1_click()


Thanks for the suggestion, I will be interested in seeing your sample app if possible, that might clear something up for me.


Cheers, Tim


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Matt Chotin
Sent: Thursday, 8 June 2006 3:59 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] One last try: _javascript_ security


Did you compile with –use-network=false?  I have a sample app that will be coming out where the HTML can communicate into the SWF.  And I know that the ExternalInterface was at least able to register the callbacks out.  I didn't try making calls from the SWF out.


Also have you tried putting <!-- saved from url="" --> at the top of your HTML file?  I seem to remember that being necessary to allow local scripting.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of FineLine
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 5:22 PM
To: FlexCoders List
Subject: [flexcoders] One last try: _javascript_ security


Hi. I would like to raise this point one last time, before the Adobe engineers lock in this aspect of framework behaviour in the final release.


Is it really necessary to restrict the security of the Flash Player / Flex Application model to such an extent that a flex application (SWF) located *on a users local hard disk* cannot make calls to _javascript_ functions in its container page, also located on the same hard disk? (I have described in the thread "_javascript_ security" my various attempts to disprove this, to no avail).


I understand why it should be impossible for Internet based applications to operate within a strict sandbox, which prevents them from accessing local resources. But surely, functions scripted within the application's container page should also be considered to exist within the same sandbox? And if not, how does it make sense that *Internet* based apps can call external _javascript_, whilst local ones can't?


Flex is a fantastic, emerging cross-platform framework technology. Imagine how useful it would be to be able to use visual Flex components within local-machine applications developed using other technologies, such as .NET, Java, Delphi etc. Whilst Flex provides excellent user interface development capabilities, it is not a tool for the kind of business application development that these other environments excel in. It doesn't have the same data modelling tools, low-level system APIs, encryption libraries, etc. etc.


If you could use Flex to develop custom components, which you could then embed within a host application using a browser component, then you would have the best of both worlds. Those who develop Flex components would have a wider reach for their products. Many of you will have heard of Mono, the cross-platform .NET implementation. The one area where Mono lags most behind Microsoft's own implementation is in GUI development. Imagine developing a cross platform app in .NET, using all its data access and business process modelling power, with a Flex front end. Flex reads and writes .NET datasets very easily (just convert them to XML, and you've got the power of E4X to do all your manipulation within the UI layer).


Maybe this can be put in the category of "Flex was never meant to do that", but really, all it would take is being able to use the ExternalInterface API to accept commands, report events and exchange data with the host application via scripted functions in the container page. Ideally, the page shouldn't even have to exist on disk – it could be dynamically created and fed to the browser component by the host application – but that's getting a bit esoteric. The main thing is being able to establish communications between Flex and its HTML page – an interface which already exists in its entirety, but which is locked down in such a way that it is not useable in this scenario, as it currently stands.


Again, if anyone can prove me wrong on this, I'd love to hear how.


Rant over, have a nice day. Cheers, Tim.



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