Of course; Arial and/or Verdana can be measured reasonably so at a specific size.  If I were in a hurry to get some technical data thing to work, the last thing I'd worry about is supporting Papyrus at 36 point size....
There are already significant challenges measuring fonts to includ them in sizing, and to do so efficiently, ecspecially with something as text intensive as the DataGrid.
That said, you first.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Embedded Fonts Cause Issue with DataGrid Headers

Hey Jesse,

I'll try to build up my stamina to have a look tonight again... however, does the fact that it only affects a particular font size make any sense?  Then again, I guess the issue doesn't make sense from the start...


On 7/30/06, JesterXL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Betcha' the measure function is having issues measure the embedded font.  Are you using FlashType or just the regular way?
If you're feeling brave, go look in DataGrid.as, and tell us if anything looks like its measuring text.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 1:29 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Embedded Fonts Cause Issue with DataGrid Headers

Just wanted to see if the Adobe folks were aware of the issue with Embedded fonts and DataGrids... there was an earlier post on this as well, but nobody clarified if this was a known bug:


Sure enough, changing the font size to anything but 12pt solved the issue, and I also found that setting the headerStyleName seperate from the row styles in the DataGrid (we're using itemRenderers, and setting the Label font styleName inside) worked to fix the problem as well... it seems to only affect the datagrid if nesting the DataGrid instance inside another component which has the style applied.




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