

I have a repeater with a thumbnail in it.




<mx:Repeater id="rptGallery" dataProvider="{arrMdta}">

<ui:thumb imagePath="{Mdta(rptGallery.currentItem).fileName}" />                                                                        



In my script I have



public var arrMdta:Array = [new Mdta("assets/image001.jpg")];


So far so good, I see my image (inside my thumb component there’s an mx:image, nothing fancy


Now the harder part, I try to bind the repeater to the array (as I’m doing here, but when I change my array, it doesn’t get updated automatically.


In my applicationComplete, I call function init();


private function init():void


for(var i:Number = 1; i < 100; i++)


var filePath:String = "assets/image";

                        if(i.toString().length == 1) filePath += "00"; // just because images have filenames image001.jpg, etc

                        if(i.toString().length == 2) filePath += "0";

                        filePath += i.toString() + ".jpg";

                        arrMdta.push(new Mdta(filePath));




This doesn’t work, only when I put the following line:


rptGallery.dataProvider = arrMdta;


Why is it only working if I re-force the dataProvider? I thought that was the point of binding my data?


Thanks for any help,



Jonas Windey

Web Developer

T. +32 3 216 86 47


Pixco Interactive Division

T. +32 3 216 86 40

F. +32 3 216 86 49





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