That’s really weird. I would suggest to strip down the code to minimum. Drop out the showBusyCursor (set it to false), try to call service several times with different params and see what happens. On faulthandler I believe you should have mx.core.Application.alert(event.fault) instead of event.result.


If that does not help anything, then I would change the data returned by the server to minimum (ie to just a String) to see if it’s a data convert error (from Java to flex) and try to work from there up to the problem.


I have worked with remote objects for over a year now and only problems that I’ve encountered have been some conversion errors (that sometimes fail silently!) and some problems with responder objects that were actually a bug in my code. And we do run long methods too, some may take as much as 5 minutes and they do return results and come back alive.





From: [] On Behalf Of digital_eyezed
Sent: 11. elokuuta 2006 14:18
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex Timeout issue



I've been working on this issue now for 3 days and I am at a
complete loss.

I have a simple request which uses a remoteObject, this works fine
if the result is returned in under 1 minute, however if the result
takes longer than 1 miinute to return the client doesn't recive the
result and the busy cusror just keeps on showing.

Here is the page (stripped down to focus on the problem):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
width="100%" height="100%">
var f = "02/Aug/2005";
var t = "03/Aug/2006";
var g = "100641,100643,100645,100647,100649,100651,100653,100656";
function hello(event){
mx.core.Application.alert("I'm Back!");
function onRemObjError(event){
<mx:RemoteObject id="getItOOS" source="com.vianet.Test" result="hello
(event)" fault="onRemObjError(event)" showBusyCursor="true"/>
<mx:Button label="Get Report" click="getItOOS.getIt(f,t,g,'1','1')"/>


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