Hi Yaison,

Can you get to the movie content in your code (I haven't used the utube
library)? I've found that you have to explicitly stop sounds and video
otherwise they continue to play even when unloaded.

How are you sizing the swfloader? It's a little more flexible if you declare
the class in actionscript so you can set percentHeight and percentWidth. If
you do this take care not to set height and width as well. Also are you
setting scaleContent?

If you like you can shoot the code over to me.


On 30/11/06, Yaison <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

  Hi coders,
I've been trying to make an application that searches videos using the
youtube.com server and it's API. But the SWFLoader isn't working
properly. The error is:

1)When the user clicks a thumbnail the SWFLoader expands more than it
2)When the user close the PopUp the video keeps playing.

*Look it yourself...

here's the url:

Please someone help me...

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