I get a Run-Time Error #1010 on my datagrid control when I scroll 
vertically. The problem would not happen everytime so I was having a 
hard time fixing it. This is the exact error message I would get.

TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at mx.controls::DataGrid/mx.controls:DataGrid::scrollVertically()
at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/set verticalScrollPosition()
at mx.controls::DataGrid/mx.controls:DataGrid::scrollHandler()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()

I know now that my itemRenderer on my datagrid columns is causing 
this error. Depending on the columns return from my remote call I 
determine if a specific column is to use the item renderer.

if( col.allowFilter )
trace("Execute ItemRenderer!");
filterRenderer = new ClassFactory(ColumnFilterRenderer);
filterRenderer.properties = {dataField: name };
newColumn.itemRenderer = filterRenderer;
newColumn.rendererIsEditor = true;

I looks like the datagrid gets confused and how many rows there are 
to renderer. I can reproduce the problem like so:

1. I click on a node in a Tree control which loads 50 rows into my 
datagrid causing it to scroll vertically. I can scroll these results 
2. I click on a node in a Tree control which loads more then 50 rows 
into my datagrid causing it to scroll vertically. If I try to scroll 
I get the run-time error. 

So I can reproduce the error only if I load a small result set that 
scrolls then load a larger result set that scrolls. If I load a large 
result set first then a smaller one I don't get the run-time error. 
If I load a small result set that scrolls then one that does not then 
a large one that does I don't get the error. I think the listItems 
variable in the ListBase class is getting confused on how many 
itemRenderers it needs to actually render. 

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