1. code your SWF's in Flash 9 using AS3; these problems disappear.
2. If it's a number, simply have your SWF register for a Stage.onResize, and have Flex set the width of the SWF. The width can be the number. Naturally, this is a SWFInt (just made that up) so it can only be between -2880 and 2880 in size, hehe. Maybe bigger but that's technically illegal.

There were a ton of blog entries on this subject, and most rave about LocalConnection and JavaScript. Both solutions suck, but not much you can really do about it. If both are from the same domain... maybe...

3. write to a local SharedObject, have other SWF poll it... :: shrugs ::

On Jan 18, 2007, at 12:20 AM, Bjorn Schultheiss wrote:


Is there any other way without round tripping through the browser?

I have multiple swfs loaded in my flex app simultaneously,
can i pass the param to a specific swf via externalInterface?



On 18/01/2007, at 4:08 PM, JesterXL wrote:

JavaScript out the values via ExternalInterface, and have JavaScript send in the value to the AVM1Movie (assuming Flash 8 which also supports ExternalInterface).

On Jan 17, 2007, at 7:35 PM, Bjorn Schultheiss wrote:


I'm loading AVM1 swfs into my flex app via SWFLoader.
I want to be able to pass in a unique connection id from flex to
flash to use for my localconnection.

Any solutions?


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